An empirical formula of creep curve is obtained by data fitting and it approaches to the logarithmic rule. 拟合试验曲线得出了蠕变曲线经验公式,认为蠕变试验曲线接近对数规律;
Thus continuing the regular measurements of the bending curves of the test-piece, one could construct a creep curve. 如此继续进行试件的挠度观测,就可绘制出蠕变曲线。
The creep curve is the relationship between changes in index, atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta has a certain impact on the creep characteristics. 说明蠕变曲线是以指数关系变化的,动脉粥样硬化对升主动脉蠕变特性具有一定影响。
By analyzing the periods and the creep curve of the earthquakes ( MS ≥ 6.0) since 1900, we obtain the same results as that by the viscoelastic model. 通过对华北地震区1900年以来MS≥6.0级地震的周期和蠕变曲线的分析,得出了和粘滞模型一致的结果。
The creep resistance was investigated by means of study on the creep curve and deformation microstructure for new zirconium alloy. 通过对低铌新锆合金板材的蠕变性能曲线和变形亚结构的分析及对微观组织研究探讨了低铌新锆合金的蠕变过程及其抗蠕变性能优越的原因。
Then, according to the properties of the creep curve, we make use of Burgers Model and Kelvin-Voigt Model to describe the two kinds of curves of creep, which correspond to shear stresses larger and smaller than permanent strength, respectively. 进而根据蠕变曲线的特征,以Burgers模型和Kelvin-Voigt模型分别描述了当剪应力大于或小于长期强度时的两种蠕变曲线,并简述了上述工作的实际工程意义。
Fitting for Creep Curve of Epoxidized Nature Rubber 环氧化天然橡胶蠕变曲线的一种拟合方法
At 7200 seconds, the stress-relaxation and creep curve reached the equilibrium. At the time of 7200 seconds the measures of relaxation was 0.280 MPa and that of creep was 13.98%. 应力松弛和蠕变在最初600s变化较大,7200s时应力松弛、蠕变曲线基本达到平衡。
Compressive creep deformation and creep recovery curve of PBX material are also gained at the same time during the compressive circular disk test. The results show a different creep process compared with pure poly materials. 利用圆盘对径受压实验间接拉伸的特点,测量了PBX材料的拉伸蠕变及蠕变恢复曲线,同时也得到了圆盘部分区域压缩蠕变及蠕变恢复曲线。
An equation is proposed for calculating the creep of asphalt concrete in terms of the conditional long term strength and analytical characteristic of the stable section in the non-attenuate creep curve and accordingly a method of calculating-temperature stress is derived. 以条件持久强度和非衰减蠕变曲线的稳定蠕变段的解析特征为基础,建立了蠕变的计算方程.依据该方程介绍了一种计算温度应力的方法。
The results showed the curve of interaction occured in opposite "C" shape. It was different from that of the normal S-N curve and creep curve. And could be envisaged as a combination of pure fatigue and pure creep curves. 结果表明12Cr1MoV钢疲劳蠕变断裂寿命随交变应力变化呈反C型特殊规律,其交互作用曲线既不同于纯疲劳的S-N曲线,又不同于纯蠕变断裂曲线,而是两者的综合。
The creep strength is compared with the instantaneous strength based on the test results, and the ratio of creep strength to instantaneous strength is about 0.9. An empirical formula of creep curve is obtained by data fitting and it approaches to the logarithmic rule. 根据试验结果,将蠕变强度与瞬时强度进行了比较,得出蠕变强度与瞬时强度之比为0.9左右的结论。拟合试验曲线得出了蠕变曲线经验公式,认为蠕变试验曲线接近对数规律;
The creep curve of PSP includes two phases, which are the deceleration phase and constant acceleration phase. 复合管的蠕变曲线包括减速和恒速两个阶段;
The creep deformation is characteristic of three stages, while the shape of creep deformation curve and the creep life depends on test temperature and orientation of samples. DD3单晶的蠕变变形有明显的三个阶段特性,蠕变曲线形状和蠕变寿命与晶向和温度相关。
This thesis observes the shrink and creep curve of plain concrete and concrete filled steel tubes. 主要研究内容如下:1、观测得到素混凝土及钢管混凝土的收缩(膨胀)徐变曲线。
Each of the elevated temperature curves is moved along the horizontal time axis to longer times until it superposes on the reference temperature curve as smoothly as possible and then the master creep curve is obtained. 沿时间轴水平移动非参考温度下的蠕变曲线段使之与参考温度下的曲线图光滑连接,形成一条光滑的主曲线图。
In addition, it is found that the power function is the best fit equation of creep curve for 3-D braiding composites. 此外,还表明幂指函数可以较好地拟合三维编织复合材料的蠕变曲线。
Second, creep curve, general characteristic of mud-rock to study and calculate casing load method through the creeping constitutive equation; 二是研究了岩石的蠕变曲线、泥岩的一般特点和通过泥岩蠕变本构方程计算套管外载力的方法;
Based on the creep experimental curve, the creep deformation law of silty soft clay of the first marine layer and its constitutive relationship among stress-strain-time is studied in this paper. 本文在蠕变试验曲线的基础上,研究了天津市第一海相层淤泥质粉质粘土的蠕变变形规律,得出应力、应变、时间三者之间的本构关系。
Disposed the experimental data with the three parameter model, and got both the creep curve and the creep equation. 对实验数据以三参数模型进行处理,得出蠕变曲线和蠕变方程。
Constitutive Equation of Creep Curve Based on Thermal Activation 以热激活为基础的蠕变曲线本构方程
The tensile creep curve was composed of the typical primary creep stage, steady-state creep stage and the accelerated creep stage. 合金拉伸蠕变曲线具有典型的三阶段特征,即较短的减速蠕变阶段和较长的第三蠕变阶段。
With this method, on several weighing points, the creep varying curve is obtained by using least square method, then on the other weighing points the creep varying curve is obtained with piecewise linear interpolation. 这种方法首先在几个重量点上用最小二乘法得到蠕变的变化曲线,然后再在其它重量点上用分段线性插值的方法得到该点的蠕变变化曲线。
ANSYS software was also used to analyze creep performance of a cable-membrane structure. A first phase creep curve was derived, which provides a foundation for analyzing stress-strain and the effects creep. 同时,还利用ANSYS软件对索膜结构进行蠕变分析,得出了蠕变第一阶段曲线,为研究蠕变影响的应力应变分析提供了科学依据。
It is shown that creep curve determined by creep parameters, obtained by test data in one year or two years, is totally in agreement with the test curve. 用一年左右和二年左右试验数据确定的徐变特性参数表示的徐变曲线与试验曲线相比较,结果表明它们之间相差很小。
The result also shows that ratio of speed increments 2.4 for creep curve and 1.7 for accumulated frequency has common features. 结果还表明,蠕变曲线和累计频度的速率增加比具有普适的特点,前者为2.4左右,后者为1.7左右。
The characteristic of displacement creep curve in deep soil can response the initial creep and stabilized creep. 监测数据表明深层土体位移蠕变曲线特征反应了初始蠕变阶段和稳定蠕变阶段变形特征。
Because of the dominance of viscoplastic deformation in the creep process, creep curves under triaxial compression behave without the third phase of atypical creep curve, viz. 蠕变过程中粘塑性变形占主导,因而其三轴蠕变曲线没有出现渐进流动阶段。
Based on the mentioned above, this article has mainly carried on the following research work: 1. First described the commonly used rheological model of creep curve characteristics and applicable scope. 本文针对如上所述,主要进行了以下研究工作:1.首先阐述常用的各类流变模型的蠕变曲线特点以及适用范围。